Thursday, June 18, 2009

L`Armèe du salut

spent the day relaxing in some parks. saw really old churches being brought down with destruction balls, wondered around with our huge bags from hostel to hostel to find out everything was booked, and no replies on couchsurfing. we then turned down a street to find a salvation army, or a L`Armèe du salut. Free night stay. Put our stuff in their locker, walked around the old walls, ate an amazing meal, i figured out an amazing meal, not just a filling one, but truely wonderful is around $20. Its once you reach over $12 when things get really good. watched the sun set on top of a huge wall over looking the lower city. Thinking about my trip.
Got back to the army before curfew to hear about 13 men snoring at such a deep reverberating bass it rumbled your insides.

awoke went to the library (where we are now) to get an email from caitlin saying its 93 degrees in kansas city right now with a humidity index of 103. im going to hell.

I just bought my train ticket to new york.
what am i doing.

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